Monday, July 16, 2007

Death of a Great Texan.

I was saddened to hear of the death of Lady Bird Johnson. She is such an icon in the state of Texas! To be honest, I didn't know ALOT about her. I certainly don't know much about her husband's politics as I was only 2 years old when he died. Unfortunately, history of US government and presidents is not my forte. But she just had this amazing presence, people loved her. And because of her and her family's business ventures, my husband had a paycheck for 2 years (well until Emmis bought the radio stations from LBJS). I never had the opportunity to meet her, but from stories, I heard she was always approachable and always very interested and gracious. And she had a great love for nature and our environment. But the one thing that I found so amazing about her was her zest for life! In every picture I have ever seen of her, she had a smile! She loved her husband, and seemed to absolutely bask in the love of her family. I am sad to see her go, from what I know, she was a great lady that will be missed!


past prime said...

Lady Bird was indeed a gret lady. She had no faults and nothing to be ashamed of. Lyndon, on the other hand, had faults enough for the both of them; however, his love for the country and keeping it safe was beyond reproach. He is a democrat that did good.

Ginny said...

I feel the same way. I love that she respected nature so much and we often visit the wildflower center.