Thursday, November 29, 2007

The baking bug

Now that the weather is cooler and the holidays have started, the baking bug has hit me again. I think I'm going to make some nice rye bread today or maybe pumpernickel. I should probably start with the rye as hubby isn't that used to really dark breads (I love them!) I didn't even bother getting caraway seeds as I find them too overpowering. I just want a nice, mellow, flavorful bread and of course I am looking forward to that wonderful aroma permeating through the house! We have a White Elephant Party to attend this weekend and I think I may bake some light little lemon cookies. I have this beautiful Holiday Cookbook that has all of those wonderful decadent cookies, cakes and candies. I've been wanting to try these for awhile, but have never gotten around to it. If they're good, I'll post a photo and the recipe.

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